SCHEDULE TODAY: (406) 260-9163

Court Ordered & Independent

polygraph testing services in kalispell mt

Professional Polygraph Testing Services
Northwest Montana & the Flathead Valley

With over 9 years of experience administrating polygraph tests for government and local agencies, Kalipoly Testing Services offers fair, professional, & detailed polygraph services for court ordered post conviction sex offender testing (PCSOT), attorney requested criminal defense testing, & fidelity testing.

SCHEDULE TODAY: (406) 260-9163

Polygraph Services

Defense Attorney Lawyer requested polygraph client testing kalispell flatehead valley nw mt

Attorney Client Testing

We work with attorney’s to privately test clients for a variety of situations, including witness testimony credibility and background information pertaining to the details of a case.


Defense Attorney Lawyer requested polygraph client testing kalispell flatehead valley nw mt

Court Ordered
Sexual Offender Testing

We understand the nature and sensitivity of court ordered testing, and can work with individuals to aquire information requested by the legal system in a private & secure setting.


Defense Attorney Lawyer requested polygraph client testing kalispell flatehead valley nw mt

Family & Relationship
Fidelity Testing

We can work with spouses who suspect infidelity or other issues that have negatively impacted a relationship.


About Kalipoly Polygraph


Kalipoly Testing Services is an experienced polygraph testing company with extensive knowledge and accreditation in the scientific field of polygraph testing. Having tested people on behalf of agencies, municipalities, and attorneys, we can assure a high degree of professionalism and proficiency in every custom tailored question session as well as reporting.